Collection: Enteral Feeding

Discover a comprehensive range of enteral feeding supplies at CuredmedRX Pharmacy & Medical Supplies, catering to diverse nutritional, usability, and mobility needs of patients. Our selection includes pumps, tubes, liquid feeding options, and feeding sets, available at various price points to accommodate different budgets. Choose from pumps that mount directly on IV poles or opt for mobile options designed for discreet nutrition-on-the-go, some even fitting into custom-designed backpacks. Explore our low-profile MIC-KEY G-Tubes with bolus feeding extension kits, offering medical-grade quality and easy concealment for active patients. For cases requiring bypassing the stomach, consider the Avanos MIC-KEY GJ Tubes, which thread into the jejunal portion of the small intestine. Additionally, we offer a wide range of PEG tubes to meet your specific needs.


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