UR24T TrueClr External Condom Catheters
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Item | Description | Quantity | Price |
F Adult Female Reusable Catheter with 800 mL Vacu-Aide QSU Quiet Suction 6 Foot and Power Cord Tubing External Filter Unit |
Price:$609.50 |
M+ Adult Female Reusable Catheter with 800 mL Vacu-Aide QSU Quiet Suction 6 Foot and Power Cord |
Price:$575.09 |

The UR24T External Catheter is a painless and noninvasive alternative to traditional external catheters. With the help of an aspirator, the catheter actively empties the bladder using light suction around the urethral opening. The condom catheter is leakproof and also prevents urine from coming into contact with the skin, better maintaining skin integrity. It is extremely easy to use and care for: no fancy cleaning products, just soap and water. This external catheter is suitable for overnight and on-demand evacuation in both in-home and hospital environments.
This catheter is available in both male and female configurations for adults. The UR24T male condom catheter (M18) fits over the tip of the male organ like any other condom catheter. The UR24T female external catheter (F18) fits directly against the urethral opening.